Fix right click on taskbar icons

When I’m using Windows 10 I am sometimes facing the problem that I can’t right click on my taskbar icons, but I found a few solutions on how to fix it.

PS: This works on Windows 7 and 8 as well.

Solution 1: Using Shift + right-click

All you have to do is to hold the Shift key while right-clicking any icon on your taskbar, and after that, you will be able to right-click normally on your taskbar icons. But keep in mind that even if this method works, it should be considered a workaround rather than a fix.

Solution 2: Restart the Windows Explorer

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open up the Task Manager.
  2. In the Task Manager, locate the Windows Explorer process, right-click on it, and choose Restart.


Now see whether the fix was effective by right-clicking an icon on your taskbar.

Solution 3: Restarting the Tile Data Model Server

1. Press Windows Key + R to open up a Run command. Then, type “services.msc” and hit Enter to open the Services window.


2. In the Services window, scroll through the Local Services list and locate Tile Data Model Server.

3. Right-click on Tile Data Model Server and choose Restart, then wait for the service to be restarted.


4. Right-click anything in your taskbar to see if the fix has been effective.